Monday 1 February 2016

Cultural Competence and Care in Communties

Week 8

Our health care system works to create a single goal of cultural competence that can provide the best health care to everyone regardless of their grasp on the language, their race, culture or background.
From the interview with Rosalie and Rikki it is clearly shown that despite all Rikki's medical issues she still needs to be treated with care and compassion.

Iceberg Model of Culture
As you can see from the above image there is a lot about a person that you can not understand just by looking at them according to Kaeojinda (2015). While you may be able to tell what country they are from, what language they speak and how they dress, but lots of their culture is what is inside them. Without asking the person and taking the time to get to know them you can not provide the best health care for them.
I liked how Rikki's mum's main priority for her care while in hospital was just to take the time to watch and understand her and to care for her as you would like to be cared for. By watching Rikki throughout the interview you can see that there is more she is trying to tell you than you first think. For my future nursing I need to take more time to connect with the patients and really try to understand what it is that they mean and need.

Keaojinda, J. (2013, November 9). What is cultural and how is it defined? [Web log post]. Retrieved February 2, 2015, from

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