Sunday 31 January 2016

Multiculturalism and Health

Week 7

Dutch Migrants
The above picture (Dutch Migrants, 2016) is what a lot of people think of when they think of people of different backgrounds coming to Australia. These people are healthy, have skills, speak English and are looking to leave their country and become Australians. As of February 1st 2016 at 14.06, Australia's population was 23 986 26, with a gain of one migrant every two minutes and 30 seconds (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2015)

Boat People
These people arrive anyway they can to escape war, poverty and political issues in their countries. They are often ill, malnourished, unable to speak English and have no skills that they can contribute to the Australian workforce.
It is this mix of cultures and backgrounds that gives Australia it's multi culture reputation. The migrants that come, weather it be planned or for asylum, can have the same barriers to face regarding their health in their new country. Family separation, housing, language, low levels of health literacy and employment are all factors that can affect health by stress, income, stability and depression.
During this module it is easy to see why so many asylum seekers and refuges often self harm and hunger strike during detention, as they arrive with nothing and are then put into detention with no idea if they will be allowed into the country or for how long they will be in detention. Even planned immigrants who come without having a solid base and support find it hard to integrate into the community. When nurses are caring for those of other cultures you need to find out what you can do for them and is there any specific requirements they need during their care and upon returning home. This will be good to remember for later when I am working with different cultures.

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). (2015). Population clock. (Cat. No. 3101.0). Canberra, ACT: Author.

Dutch Migrants image retrieved from

Boat people image retrieved from

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